Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ready Set Calm.

Find Your Peace in the Storm of Life.

We all get caught up in planning our next venture or the next step in our outlined plans for the future. Focusing on the future weighs on your mind and spirit; we grow anxious and/or stressed. We all need some means of grounding ourselves in the present to remain sane and productive. One of the best ways to anchor yourself in the here and now is through physical activity. Are you feeling bogged down? Go take a walk! Go for a bike ride! Turn on some music and dance like there's no one there!

Choose Your Anchor.

Whenever I became too caught up in worrying about the next day, month, year, decade... during university I would take long walks by myself to focus my energy. Simple acts such as this can truly make a difference when you are caught up in your mind. Make sure to focus on your senses. Breathe the air around you and take note of what you smell. Acknowledge the tension in your body and then work to actively release it. Give your body a good long stretch and enjoy the sensations in your muscles. Really be present in these meditative moments. You deserve and need a little tender love and care from yourself. You need some mental zen.

What I Love Now.

For a period of time, I had stopped giving myself the TLC I deserve. I stopped meditating and taking personal moments of silence or performing spastic dance breaks, and I felt this loss as a loss of calm within. I now make a conscious effort again to practice yoga and meditate from time to time. I love setting aside a moment here and there every day to just be calm and center myself. My dog also loves to do yoga with me. You can see him below spacing out in 'reclined goddess' pose after stealing my yoga mat.

How About You?.

Do you ever find yourself building up tension and stress? What do you do to relax and unwind? How often do you really take personal and mental breaks to just enjoy life?

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