Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How to Eat a Pomegranate: Spring is Here and that Means Pomegranates are Back!

I Just Had My First Pomegranates of the Season!!!

I love the winter, but it is an inexplicable sadness every time I realize when pomegranate season is over. I don't judge Persephone for being tempted by Hades' food in the underworld; I'm sure his pomegranates were delicious. Pomegranates are sweet and tangy. Those ruddy shells hide ruby red arils of goodness.
                     CC Image: Henry Siddon Mowbray "The Marriage of Persephone"

How do you eat your pomegranate?

There are many gimmicks for how to eat a pomegranate quickly, but I have found most of them don't work. I have tried opening pomegranates in water and even tapping out the arils, but it normally takes the same amount of time as the normal way & you lose a lot of juice. If you want to get the most out of your pomegranate the old fashioned way is the best. Warning: wear an apron or a shirt you don't care about getting juice on. The juice may spray & stain.
  • Get a knife & a bowl. A pairing knife may work best. The bowl is to catch any juices; you can drink those later. You will be doing all your work in the bowl.
  • Place you pomegranate Calyx up.
  • Cut across the Calyx so that you have created an X in the "top". Go deep enough that you get through the Albido, but not so deep that you knick your Arils.
  • Using you fingers separate one of the quadrants you have made in the top & pull that part separate from the rest. Continue pulling your pomegranate apart like this until it is all separated.
  • Then slowly work the Arils out of the membrane with your fingers & into the bowl. Most of the Arils should be exposed now that you have quartered the pomegranate.
  • If you need to, you can cut the skin in other places and pull the quarters into smaller pieces.
  • Compost your peels and enjoy!

                                                      CC Image by Fir0002/Flagstaffotos

I enjoy eating my pomegranates from the bowl with a spoon. I eat it seeds and all. I find that the seeds give the fruit a nice nutty flavor.

Terminology on pomegranates found from

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